Tuesday 9 September 2014

What's more scary than Halloween? The 90's

It's a fair point, there isn't much that can be recognised to be a scarier event, time or item than Halloween, but the era of the 90's is definitely even more terrifying.

I was asked by The Brickyard if I could design a poster for their horrendously beautiful idea of a 90's night as a Halloween special. I mean, what better way to celebrate the general acceptance of social fear, terribly made plastic crap and tiny tiny luminous dresses than the 90's.

The idea I had was to make the poster as horrendous as era it's self. So clearly it had to be bright, obnoxious and full of bad fonts.

Mind your eyes children.
I don't know what else to say about this, other than, my god, it's so fun to design ugly.


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