Sunday 12 October 2014

The creation of a logo—and almost self-branding

T'other day I created a logo for myself on the basis of a sharp idea popping into my head, and having a bit of free time. I previously had told myself that I didn't need a logo because I'm not really far enough in the industry to have to brand myself for recognition and I also thought that it was just a tad egotistically to have a logo for myself – which makes little sense I know – but I finally gave in and made one for myself.

I basically had a strong idea in my head, so I just grabbed the sketch book and threw out a few simple ideas before settling on the one I was most happy with. I was just using a brush pen, because I feel that would emulate my style best (as it it my current obsession).

I wanted the logo to display me without being an irrelevant image or just a scribble—even though it is inspired by a scribble because besides me being a perfectionist, I don't make anything super clean-cut because it's not my style.

In a lovely yellow, to display the variety of colours I could use it in.

The logo itself is created by the amalgamation of all my initials "VJW" because I feel nothing describes me better than the title I have, my name. Which I have recently began to embrace, as I used to hate my name as a younger person; but now, I love it's 'uniqueness' and I feel it really helps describe me as a person.
The logo I've made is not because I needed one, but it was more of a case of having a good idea and not wanting to loose it. So through a little progression, it turned into a logo for myself, which I am happy to potentially creating branding on.

But one reason for creating and digitizing this logo, is that I was inspired by the designer of The Cure EP's and LP's by instead of writing contact information, he just left an image of a tea cup as a form of branding and recognition.

So as a whole, I rather like my new logo and will try to incorporate in into my work and blog.
I hope this overly extensive blog post has help illustrate that.


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