No, I am not referencing the asian dip; I'm talking about some seriously good Veggie grub.
Today, I was creating more photo scenes for the project I'm working on; I was photographing bananas, melons and a whole wide range of assorted edible items. All of this made me hungry, as it does every day—but today I had a plan. I'd meet Gabriella for some lunch, we would be ladies that lunch; we, collectively myself and Gaby were going to eat some food, and we were going to enjoy it.
I'm not just glancing over the work I did today because it was boring, no in fact I enjoyed it; but I can neither show you it or resist to tell you all about the food I ate for lunch. Oh man, this food was just something else, and it was cheaper than Sports Direct aftershave.
1pm, myself and Gaby meet on the road we glamorously call 'Balls Road' because it's the road near us, that has has three balls on it. Any how, we wandered from there to Chutney—it took merely 10 minutes and it's quite a pleasant walk, through the park, under the trees and in the sun.
Through the unassuming wooden door, under the bright canopy—you walk down the wooden, creaky stairs to vegetable based heaven. Everything around us was either wooden or draped in a material that could only be described as 'university buddism chic', though strangely enough when not attached to the wall behind a bed in Leeds; it actually works.
For a mere 180kr (roughly £15) we filled our bellies to their tip top point. Not only that, I had the chance for seconds, not that I could fit them anywhere. If that wasn't already enough, upon paying we were informed "you can also have anything from that table' – the table in question being filled high with fresh coffee, tea, infused waters and various salad items.
Lovely tea branding – and it's the cheapest in the shop. |
If you are about Stockholm, even if you wouldn't class yourself as a veggie; it's well worth a visit. Even if you only have a few pennies left to your name, it's still worth it. For the price we paid, I haven't eaten anything of that quality before, even forgetting the price; it was a bloody good meal.
As I walked back, parting company with Gaby, I had another Swedish Observation. I think this might be observation #8 but it's an important one. Look at how much space is in that bike lane (pictured below); it's as if the government actually cares for it's cyclists, actually cares that they can get about.
The picture below is taken just off the main road, in the city centre. Just after I took this picture, three little boys cycled past, all within the cycle lane rather comfortably. They were no older than 8 and they were not accompanied by any adults, they did not look nervous and they were happily chatting in Swedish as they rolled on by, exclaiming "Hej, Hej" to me as they past.
I can think of roads that a grown man wouldn't cycle on, never mind ones in a city centre, a capital city centre. I personally fear any cycle lane that exists in London, and I would class myself as a highly competent cyclist.
So a big well done Sweden; you are the Jeremy Corbyn of cyclists rights.
Also, notice that the other third of the road is actually taken up by a council run secure bicycle lock. Kudos again Sweden.
Look how much room there is; you could even cycle a bike in that! |
After being more excited over children than I really should have been, I got back the studio, which had transformed into an improntu photo studio. With the camera out of my hands, the plan to create photo scenes had to scrapped, so I went for the next best option—Raspberry Pi time!
I didn't achieve all that much this afternoon, but I did manage to mount the operating system, get connect to the network, update all the firmware and bug Nikolass to help me and inform me of all the code he wrote for the PJADAD live streamer; which he was over the moon to talk about because it's his passion, but I'm sure, if left alone he would have been much more productive. Sorry Nikolass, and thank you!
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